

  • Georgi Danelia. Photo by Yuri Rost
  • Natalia Nesterova. Photo by Yuri Rost
  • Otar Ioseliani. Photo by Yuri Rost
  • Yuri Norshtein. Photo by Yuri Rost


Gallery “Dom Naschokina” is proud to present a unique project Yury Rost – Picture Story lives of six of our contemporaries have already become classics.

“This is a dangerous thing – 50 portraits of one person! Some pictures are very heavy, and together …”. Yuri Rost for the first time present a unique material that will help us to penetrate into the vnutrennyuyususchnost real heroes of our time. There will be no glamor, “snot”, and only hard, documentary photos of different years: joyful, drink life Josseliani, elegiac satire Daneliya, kzistentsialny Bitova darkness, loneliness, Nesterovoj, travel Kabakov and fabulous world Norshtein … Cut-off time, the interiors and streets, friends and acquaintances of the classics – all this tell us about the person, their difficult path, sealed chamber of the fifth living classic.

Yuri Norstein
Otar Iosseliani
Georgiy Danelia
Ilya Kabakov
Natalia Nesterova
Andrew Bitov


Москва, ул. Покровка, д. 3/7, стр. 1. схема проезда Тел.: +7 (965) 395-64-74 © 2010